+ Does The Therapy Nest accept insurance?

The Therapy Nest is not an in-network provider under any insurance plan, however we generally accept most major private insurance pursuant to in-network exceptions (sometimes also called “network adequacy exceptions”, “gap exceptions” “in for out excepctions” or “PPO waivers”). In the past, the following insurance carriers have made in-network exceptions for our patients:

  • Aetna
  • Cigna
  • Blue Cross Blue Shield
  • United Healthcare
  • United Healthcare (Oxford)

We’re happy to work with you and your insurance carrier to determine the least burdensome payment strategy for your child’s therapy. If you have questions about your plan’s benefits or want to discuss the financial aspects of therapy, we’d love to chat.

+ How is private OT at a clinic different from school-based OT?

The primary difference between private OT at a clinic and school-based OT is the scope of services. School-based OT is generally limited to educational activities and academic performance, while private OT at a clinic addresses all of your child’s meaningful activities in every setting or environment.

Private OT at a clinic is also more individualized, provides more one-on-time between your child and his or her therapist, and allows our therapists to use awesome equipment that most schools do not have (and children genuinely enjoy).

Private OT at a clinic is also confidential and does not require an Individualized Education Program (“IEP”).

+ Does my child need occupational therapy?

If your child is having difficulty participating in meaningful age-appropriate activities or is experiencing challenges that do not impact his or her peers, then occupational therapy may be helpful for your child.

That said, every child is different, and no simple checklist will determine if occupational therapy is appropriate for your child. If you have concerns about your child, then we are happy to chat and help you determine if occupational therapy could help your child. Feel free to call or send us an email and we can set up a time to chat at your convenience.